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26 Ağustos 2021 Perşembe

living like npc


Blog sayfama eklemiş olduğum "NPC gibi yaşamak" isimli yazımı İngilizceye çeviren aşşşırı miktarda harika dostum Özge'ye teşekkürlerimi sunuyorum.

Non-player characters that we cannot manage, other than the characters we manage in the games we take part in. Non-player character with its original name, NPC for short. Well, in our daily life, in the world, isn't it often the command is given to a certain person or someone?

Someone is extorting people's money, stealing it, taking it through different ways and destroying it, we pursue it for a while, but then we forget. This problem just goes away. While the issue of theft is something that should not be forgiven, sometimes rape and sometimes even murder are forgotten after a while.

I'm asking, ''How are we different from the NPCs in the games, whose actions we often laugh at or even understand?''  I am not a person who plays a wide variety of games, but for example, in the Assassin's Creed series, by the way this situation is valid in many games of the series, you steal someone's money in the public, he remembers it for that moment, but he never remembers the event even if he sees you afterwards. We are killing someone in the middle of the public in the game, people are running away from you for that moment, after a certain time, we can pass through the same place as if nothing had happened. Let me give an example from an event I saw in another game, one of the games of the same game company, the name of this game is Watch_Dogs. In this game, let's say you take an ordinary person out of his car and hijack the car. If you hold a gun or drive the car while that person is about to call the police, he immediately gives up on calling the police. In fact, when you move a little further from that particular scene, he even forgets the situation.  It's a car, not an ordinary thing.

Let's call it a game, we call it a certain artificial intelligence or something, we gloss over it and laugh. so what about us?

Don't most of these events actually happen in the world we live in? Someone's property is seized, that person is intimidated in some ways. The person forgets the event, except for the exceptions. On the other hand, there is a rape case. that person and that event become mediatic for a while. Then we forget and move on with life, again with exceptions. Of course, there are people who follow this event, although their number is more or less, they do exist.

However, I think very few people do this. That is, maybe 20 percent, maybe 25 percent of the society. I just gave an average number. I am not generalizing here. I'm just talking about people who do this. We live like NPCs, actually there is only one and the others, 2 or 3 opposing groups or whatever you call it.

Some of these groups govern, some oppose the way they are governed. Some of them steal, rape, commit murder and some of them continue to oppose these robbers, rapists and murderers for the punishment they should receive, until the event is over.

Well others, a life exactly like NPC.

How to live like an NPC? Someone protests, their answer is: "he knows something", "his purpose is different", "the truth of the situation is not like that" etc. examples. I don't need to multiply them too much, you know, you see, you hear.

If we live like NPCs, we will be no different from the characters in the game that do not affect the game. While we are the leading character even in the games we play, we wish to be one of the characters that have at least a few functions and not become an NPC in our own lives.

I wish you happiness and beauty.

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